Wendy U.'s review of eNeighborhoods, Inc.

eNeighborhoods, Inc.

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 1/4/2009
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Review 1/4/2009
I signed up for the company's 30 day free trial. For the most part I thought their product was good... I enjoyed the neighborhood reports, but couldn't get many of the other features to work properly (ex: connecting to my MLS for CMA's, uploading listings, etc). I tried reaching customer service about it, but it was a pain. I kept the service for a couple of months (I had selected the 19.99/mo plan) but decided to cancel before my July payment was taken out. In early December I received a phone call (at my office) to say my card had declined the latest monthly charge. I told the gentleman that I had cancelled in July and he got very irate. He told me that there was no way I could have cancelled because their computer system keeps track of that. He said he would cancel my subscription but I had a balance to take care of. I asked him how much (expecting it to be 50 or 60 dollars (since my plan was supposed to be 19.99). Imagine my shock when he said it was $252.00! I told him that was outrageous and that I wasn't going to pay that, especially when I had cancelled in July. He said the account would be going to collections. I filed a dispute with my credit card company, but eneighborhoods refused to accept my cancellation request, so they were unable to credit my account for the unauthorized charges. BEWARE!!! The no contract, cancel when you want promise is a lie! Why would they refuse to accept my cancellation when it says right on their website you can cancel at anytime? I am very disapointed... I would expect a company that is so involved with the NAR would do a better job of customer service- especially when it comes to resolving issues. The other agents in my office- who overheard the entire thing as they called me at work- have all decided to cancel their services as well. eNeighborhoods just lost a lot of business because of their poor customer service. Be careful if you sign up with them and SAVE everything- including your cancellation information, or you may end up in the boat I'm in.
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Hours   Phone   (800) 975-9742 Address   One Park Place, 5th Floor
Boca Raton, FL 33487
Website   Email   sseymore@eNeighborhoods.com
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