ClaudiadeSont's review of U.S. Safety Inc.

U.S. Safety Inc.

Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 3/11/2013
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Honesty From on Ex-Employee
"I started working for this company on February 17th 2012 and before applying for this job I looked up this company's reputation and of course I was skeptical like everybody else. My own boyfriend even had his doubts and cautioned me about their reputation.
It's probably a scam or possibly not even worth my time and effort however I decided to go through with it anyway to see for myself and for the most part I don't regret it. I paid the $75 background check as well as the $99 kit. My starting experience there
was just like a typical internship I did basic office chores while being trained in the business. I felt like I was going nowhere but like every other job like this success doesn't come easy. Long story short, after the long and seemingly dead end experience
I was able to become an assistant manager. Most people think that this is a typical job where after a few months of work you'll eventually start getting paid "big money" but like all multi-billion companies out there they didn't start out that way. Your not
guaranteed success. Risk and luck must be involved to make a company successful. I guess I'm just one of the lucky ones. So far I'm rather satisfied with my experience in this company and hope to continue to work here without any major setbacks. As I read
these review I see disgruntled people that just weren't paying attention in the first place. When they schedule you for the interview they tell you about the background check and the associated fee, and when during the orientation before the interview they
tell you to become manager you have to have product knowledge in which you are asked to market 2000 in retail sales. After the interview they tell you about the deposit for your equipment. The deposit is only because a lot of employees sign on to give it a
chance and then decide that it is to hard because they have to work hard for it. This is why America goes no where because a vast major of us have become lazy being taught that in the education system and all. My mother works for the Home make-up companies,
and you have to pay up front for that as well. The only real difference is you don't have to replace any of your stuff. I mean if you feel it is such a problem, they can just start being like other companies out they and make you buy your own stuff and make
you wait to get it because they are shipping it to your home. They give it to you out right. I had a previous job selling kitchenware, and I can definitely say that this company is nothing like them. They don't pester you to sell every week. They expected
sales to only a select group of people and you would only get paid for those. If the people you saw where not in that group,you weren't paid. And you were evaluated every week. And about the state of the office, did you ever think that the office space came
with the furniture and the landlord of the space said you can't replace what is already here and so further. There is an old saying that says when you assume you make an a$$ out of you and me." This is what I posted back in May when I truly was not a my wits
end with the crap yet. This is my true honest statement and this was my experience upon leaving. "I fell victim to this scam. They believe that you should not have to pay anyone for anytime spent. I was prisoner there up to 10 hours a day, 5 days a week, with
no sort of payment unless I was to sell some product even though as assistant manager, and manager didn't need to sell. I didn't want to feel like I was just following the crowd or listening to others opinion to a dramatic extent so I endured punishment there
for about 7 months just to see if I would get anywhere. Needless to say I didn't. To top it all off, upon voicing my resignation and not reporting the next day to work. I was called and in a round about way accused of stealing their office equipment. I may
have been a disgruntled employee, and would have gotten a feeling of vindication from performing said act. But my moral judgement is better then that and stealing for any reason is not acceptable. If you are a great sales person, and love sales. Or are great
at acting, persuasion by all means go apply, interview. You will do great. Just not for me."
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