PJ's review of Penbrook Productions

Penbrook Productions

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 4/3/2008
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Review 4/3/2008
Okay, I got scammed on this one. I should have checked this company out first and I did not. They got my 197.00 and I have since been trying to get it back. I did get many people on the phone in the accounting dept, however they are from Jamaica or somewhere in that area. I joined on 2.22.08 and I tried the ClickBank website, I worked at it and this part was easy, except that MS PENBROOK does not tell you that you will not make any money from there, you get a call from someone else and they tell you that you need to invest another 1000.00 dollars and that will help you start making money. I fortunately did not give them any more money. One thing that she forgets to tell you is that you do not need her to use ClickBank.com, they are an independant site. That being said, I talked to the accounting dept and they said that I would get my money back in 5-7 day, they even gave me a confirmation number. That was on 3.12.08, okay 7 days went by and no money. I called again on 3.21.08 and was told that my refund had been processed and it would be 5-7 days,I should have recieved a refund by my calculations on 4.1.08. It is now 4.4.08 and no refund. Peolpe all I can say is, do not invest in this company, they are not reputable and they do not honor their words. This company is not worth the paper it is written on. My advise to Ms Penbrook is what goes around comes around. Karma...........
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