Erika S.'s review of Johannesen Construction

Johannesen Construction

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 9/24/2011
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Review 9/24/2011
I wanted to inform you of a company that has been ripping people off by taking their money and running.We have become a victim in a long line of victim's of Peter Johannesen and his main Company Johannesen Construction. Also has been known as Johannesen Enterprises. He now has a NEW company name and goes by Five Star Construction. I would NOT give this man any money. Don't let what happen to us, happen to you!!
We hired Peter Johannesen Construction to do our kitechen remodel and replace the living room floor. We paid him $13K (50% of the job). He came into our home and said it would be $2600 for everything in regards to the living room floor, after he started he then said it would be an additional $500 for quarter round. Same goes for other items in the kitchen. We stated from the start we wanted Travertine, now he says he only put in a .50 cent to $1.50 allowance for tile. His original kitchen estimate of $26K was quickly going up. At this point, only 2 1/2 days of work had been completed and was only focused on the living room floor. This is when he just stopped communicating with us. We made several attempts to contact him with no response.
He still has $13K of our money, he went 28 days MIA. All we want is our money back. Since he did not fullfill his end of the deal. My kitchen looks the same today as it did July 28th, the day we wrote the check. Again, his company is very unprofessional. I feel like I have been violated and taken advantage of by this man.
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