Review 11/30/2010
I wish also that I had looked at these reviews before I signed up over a year ago. After cancelling with the program , ayear has gone by. NOw, today, november 2010, I get a charge of $38.88 on my credit card. I called the 800 number which my credit card company obtained for me and tried to discuss what happened and find out who I was speaking with. All to no avail. Their English was so broken making the discussion, FOR THE MOST PART, unintelligble. THE INTERNET CASH MACHINE IS A SCAM. They refused to credit my credit card EVEN THOUGH I HAVE NOT BEEN INVOLVED WITH THEM IN, I BELIEVE, WELL OVER A YEAR. They get your credit card number and then, when unsuspecting, debit your card.(At least this is my experience) All I can say to all of you is to immediately cancel your credit card and obtain a new number. BUYER'S BEWARE was never a truer statement.
Word of caution: They got me to give them my credict card number in order to receive their written system on how it all works. They debited my account the $2.95 (as I recall). But guess what: they never sent the materials after requesting them twice. GUESS THEY REALLY DIDN'T HAVE THAT INFO.