Isaias C.'s review of Dr. Carson D. Liu Med Group

Dr. Carson D. Liu Med Group

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 9/10/2012
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I’m 41 and finally having Fun!
I have spent the last 20 years of my life trying every single diet fad, diet plan and diet system ever invented. I have spent a lot of time and money on all the diets you read about and see advertised. I have had great success with all of them, always being able to lose 10-30 lbs. I have always tried my hardest to stick with the diets only to fail every time and find that in the end I have gained more than I actually lost. I kept on trying every new diet fad because at the age of 34 I now had two children; a 3-year-old son and a 1-year-old daughter. They had energy and I didn’t have any at all! They wanted to play and I was just to BIG to run, hop, chase or play. As my kids were getting older, I was getting wider, grayer and always feeling fatigued and my constant failure to loose weight left me hopeless. I was now 41 years old; my kids are nine and seven. I had diabetes, severe sleep apnea, and was obese. My kids, thank God, are thin and are not going down the path of being overweight. My primary doctor recommended that I go see Dr. Liu and have a consultation. Upon walking into Dr. Liu’s office, I was greeted, not judged! The staff was kind, and encouraging and Dr. Liu himself was very sincere. I had my consultation and left Dr. Liu’s office feeling hopeful and excited about what was going to be the most drastic change in my life. I went home and shared everything that I had learnedwith my wife we read over additional information that Dr. Lius staff had shared with us and agreed that this was the best thing not only for myself but for my family as well. I had my procedure in April of 2012. By August 2012 I had lost 60lbs. I am no longer a diabetic , I no longer suffer from sleep apnea. I’m continuing to loose weight every month and everybody says I look great. The best news is that I have the energy to play with my kids… And that’s priceless! Thank you Dr. Lui for giving me the life that I feared I would never have and giving me plenty more years with my family.
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Santa Monica, CA 90404
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